A Pyromusical Inspiration Masterpiece (Vol. 3) – “Fly Phoenix Fly”

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Ready for more inspiration? “Fly Phoenix Fly” was shot and produced by Shaun Hauter from Missouri. It was the winning display in the class C competition shot at the Pyrotechnics Guild International (PGI) Annual Convention in 2023.

Join me as I dissect the show and analyze why it’s clearly a pyromusical inspiration masterpiece!

Here’s some deets about the show:

  • Duration: 3:50 (PGI has 5 minute max for class C).
  • 13 front positions, 5 cake positions, 5 shell positions.
  • Products sourced from Hauter Fireworks (of course), Spirit of ’76, Great Grizzly, and Racoon.
  • Shot with Mongoose firing system

If you want to see more of these, subscribe to get notified when they drop! Also check out the “A Pyromusical Inspiration Masterpiece” playlist for more inspiration!

Watch the full show without me blabbering:

Check out Shaun’s (Hauter Fireworks) website:

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